My Blog

This site is all about sharing my writing and publishing experiences through a regularly published Newsletter. My intention is to help others navigate the publishing world, and to show a behind the scenes look at my own journey. I will discuss formatting, editing, building a platform and all the things that I am and will do to make a great launch and long-term success.

Here are my most recent blog posts

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Newsletter 2-A little From my Bio and a progress update

June 02, 20233 min read

I do hope that everyone is finding their way in these temporarily hard times. I pray that your troubles are small and I pray harder for you if your troubles are large.

The last two weeks have been productive.

As far as writing is concerned I have

  • My Author website is live. I big thank you to my son as he has helped me many times when I became stuck. Take a look at it and please pass it along to your friends.

  • Written a first draft of chapter one of Resurrection Runner, Book 2, The Supreme Five, to anótato pénte.

  • I completed half of my outline for this second book in the Resurrection Runner series.

  • FYI, Steven Popoford has aged a bit.

  • Editing is coming along at pace, and I am anticipating a publication date no later than July 15th.

I continue to get great advice from several content instructors especially

As many of you know, a big part of a successful book launch is earning a large following of engaged readers before the launch date. To that end, I am earnestly reaching out to friends asking them to subscribe to my email list. All of you who see this newsletter sent to you have already done this. I thank you very much and hope that I earn your respect while building your desire to get your hands on a copy of Resurrection Runner when it is available. I also ask that you let your friends and family know about my website so they can subscribe themselves.

As far as audiobooks go, I received a message from a friend in California who says that she prefers audiobooks above printed and electronic books. Coincidentally, I’ve been learning about how to do this. I’ll be taking a stab at doing this myself very soon. If I can get it done, I’d like to have it available when the Kindle book and the paperback hit the market.

And now, in case you wonder who I am, here is the first installment of a brief and necessarily evasive account of my life; more to come in future newsletters.

I was born in 1945 in D.C. Victory in Europe had recently been declared. Victory in Japan was yet to come. My father was in the Navy, a lawyer assigned to the Seabees. Oddly enough, his job was to survey and condemn land for use as military installations. For instance, he did the legal work on acquiring the White Sands Naval Airbase in the Tularosa Basin where in the northern part of the range on the Alamogordo bombing range the first atom bomb was tested. With the end of the war my father's tour of duty.

We returned to Lincoln, Nebraska where I grew up, so to speak. I attended the local schools, I enjoyed the hard weather and showed moderate talent in my first-grade rhythm band. Everything seemed pretty good until August of 1952 when my mother died of polio. After that, my grandparents (the Scots/Irish ones who were my Father's folks, and the Belgian/German ones who were my mom's) became more memorable. So too were Dorothy, Arloa, Mary G. and, Nita, all of whom did there best to care for a very sad family. Stories of those days deserve more detail and another time…

More of this to come in upcoming newsletters.

Again, thank you for your support. The time between now and publication seems like a long time. But it’s not. I got serious about publishing Resurrection Runner three months ago. There are three months plus twelve days until my publication goal. That feels like tomorrow to me.

As always, have a request. Please link my website on yours and send the URL to your friends by email, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Pinterest, and, all the social media.

Stay well, my friends. Back with you soon.

Robert Wood Anderson

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Newsletter 2-A little From my Bio and a progress update

June 02, 20233 min read

I do hope that everyone is finding their way in these temporarily hard times. I pray that your troubles are small and I pray harder for you if your troubles are large.

The last two weeks have been productive.

As far as writing is concerned I have

  • My Author website is live. I big thank you to my son as he has helped me many times when I became stuck. Take a look at it and please pass it along to your friends.

  • Written a first draft of chapter one of Resurrection Runner, Book 2, The Supreme Five, to anótato pénte.

  • I completed half of my outline for this second book in the Resurrection Runner series.

  • FYI, Steven Popoford has aged a bit.

  • Editing is coming along at pace, and I am anticipating a publication date no later than July 15th.

I continue to get great advice from several content instructors especially

As many of you know, a big part of a successful book launch is earning a large following of engaged readers before the launch date. To that end, I am earnestly reaching out to friends asking them to subscribe to my email list. All of you who see this newsletter sent to you have already done this. I thank you very much and hope that I earn your respect while building your desire to get your hands on a copy of Resurrection Runner when it is available. I also ask that you let your friends and family know about my website so they can subscribe themselves.

As far as audiobooks go, I received a message from a friend in California who says that she prefers audiobooks above printed and electronic books. Coincidentally, I’ve been learning about how to do this. I’ll be taking a stab at doing this myself very soon. If I can get it done, I’d like to have it available when the Kindle book and the paperback hit the market.

And now, in case you wonder who I am, here is the first installment of a brief and necessarily evasive account of my life; more to come in future newsletters.

I was born in 1945 in D.C. Victory in Europe had recently been declared. Victory in Japan was yet to come. My father was in the Navy, a lawyer assigned to the Seabees. Oddly enough, his job was to survey and condemn land for use as military installations. For instance, he did the legal work on acquiring the White Sands Naval Airbase in the Tularosa Basin where in the northern part of the range on the Alamogordo bombing range the first atom bomb was tested. With the end of the war my father's tour of duty.

We returned to Lincoln, Nebraska where I grew up, so to speak. I attended the local schools, I enjoyed the hard weather and showed moderate talent in my first-grade rhythm band. Everything seemed pretty good until August of 1952 when my mother died of polio. After that, my grandparents (the Scots/Irish ones who were my Father's folks, and the Belgian/German ones who were my mom's) became more memorable. So too were Dorothy, Arloa, Mary G. and, Nita, all of whom did there best to care for a very sad family. Stories of those days deserve more detail and another time…

More of this to come in upcoming newsletters.

Again, thank you for your support. The time between now and publication seems like a long time. But it’s not. I got serious about publishing Resurrection Runner three months ago. There are three months plus twelve days until my publication goal. That feels like tomorrow to me.

As always, have a request. Please link my website on yours and send the URL to your friends by email, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Pinterest, and, all the social media.

Stay well, my friends. Back with you soon.

Robert Wood Anderson

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Robert Wood Anderson.

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